CMAA Program Description
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CMAA became a Medi-Cal program on January 1, 1995 pursuant to Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code § 14132.47 . Local Governmental Agencies (LGAs) and participating in the CMAA program are eligible to receive federal reimbursement for the cost of performing administrative activities that directly support efforts to identify and enroll potential eligible individuals into Medi-Cal. Through the CMAA program, DHCS and individual county agencies promote access to health care for clients in the county public health system, minimize health care costs and long-term health care needs for at risk populations, and coordinate client health care needs with other health care providers. CMAA activities include, but are not limited to, conducting Medi-Cal outreach, facilitating Medi-Cal eligibility determinations, Medi-Cal program planning, and Medi-Cal contract administration.
A "claiming unit" is defined as a part of an LGA, such as a public agency, or is a private Community Based Organization (CBO) contracted by an LGA to perform CMAA activities. Reimbursements are based on certified public expenditures for CMAA activities as disclosed in the claiming units’ quarterly invoice. Each LGA determines the number of claiming units participating in the CMAA program.