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​DHCS Level of Care Designation (formerly DHCS ASAM Level of Care Designation)

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Prior to the passage of SB 823, and as part of the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) waiver requirements, DHCS issued provisional ASAM Level of Care (LOC) Designations to licensed AOD programs participating in the waiver or to programs requesting the designation(s). Upon implementation of SB 823, all licensed adult alcohol or other drug recovery or treatment facilities will be required to obtain a designation consistent with all of its program services. DHCS will change the name of the designations to DHCS LOC Designation. All DHCS Designations previously issued as a DHCS ASAM LOC Designation will convert to a DHCS LOC Designation providing the program follows up with DHCS for ensuring the transition is complete.

For more information and additional resources relating to DHCS LOC designations, please visit the DHCS LOC Designation webpage. Information from the previous
DHCS ASAM LOC Designation webpage is now archived in the resources section of the DHCS LOC Designation webpage.

Last modified date: 2/13/2023 12:22 PM