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DHCS Stakeholder Webinar - 1115 Waiver Renewal Application

Date: March 18, 2015
Time: 4 p.m. PDT
​The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will host a webinar to give stakeholders a walkthrough of the Section 1115 Waiver Renewal application. DHCS’s waiver renewal application is comprised of three core components: shared savings with the federal government to be reinvested into the Medi-Cal program; a set of delivery system transformation and alignment programs; and a redesign of reimbursement methods for our public hospital systems that is tied to providing care for the remaining uninsured. The application will be formally submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for consideration at the end of March.
The webinar session will allow time for public comment through a web-based portal. Meeting materials will be posted on the dedicated DHCS Waiver Renewal webpage​ in advance of the meeting: 


Last modified date: 3/23/2021 8:50 AM