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Audits & Investigations

Investigations Branch

common sense law enforcement 

"Common Sense Law Enforcement"


DHCS/IB fraud investigators partner and conduct joint investigations with numerous allied agencies including:

  • The county welfare departments, eligibility workers, social workers, special investigative units, Welfare Fraud Investigators, and the county Auditor Controllers’ Office.  
  • Federal agencies including the FBI, Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Federal Courts, Housing Utilization and Development (HUD) and the Drug Enforcement Administration.
  • State Departments including  the State Controller’s Office, Franchise Tax Board, California Medical Board, California Dental Board, California Department of Justice Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse, California Department of Social Services Adult Programs and Fraud Bureau, California Welfare Fraud Investigators Association, California Department of Consumer Affairs, California Department of Public Health, California Department of Developmental Services, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and California Highway Patrol.
  • City police departments, sheriff’s offices, probation departments, city attorney's offices, district attorney's offices, and county counsel's offices.

Last modified date: 4/8/2022 12:12 PM