DHCS Stakeholder News - November 10, 2022
Dear Stakeholders,
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is providing this update of significant developments regarding DHCS programs.
Top News
Veterans Benefit Enhancement (VBE) Project
On November 11, DHCS will pay tribute to all who have served this nation as members of the armed forces. In recognition of Veterans Day, DHCS is providing a reminder about the VBE project, which helps veterans who are receiving Medi-Cal services obtain any additional federal government services for which they are entitled. For more information, please visit the
VBE Project webpage or email
California Behavioral Health Community-Based Continuum (CalBH-CBC) Demonstration Concept Paper
On November 15, DHCS will release the CalBH-CBC Demonstration concept paper to the public. The concept paper will announce DHCS' intent to apply for a new Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration.
The demonstration, known as the CalBH-CBC Demonstration, takes advantage of the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) guidance and associated federal funding aimed at improving care for people living with serious mental illness (SMI) and serious emotional disturbance (SED). This demonstration opportunity is similar to California's historic commitment to creating a full continuum of care for substance use disorder treatment and recovery services; in 2015, California launched the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS), a first-in-the-nation model that has been emulated in many other states. Like DMC-ODS, this opportunity allows California to make historic investments in building out the full continuum of care for behavioral health, with a special focus on the populations most at risk.
DHCS' central goal of the CalBH-CBC Demonstration is to leverage this opportunity to expand a robust continuum of community-based behavioral health care services for Medi-Cal beneficiaries living with SMI or SED. It would also amplify California's ongoing behavioral health initiatives, and be informed by findings from DHCS' 2022
Assessing the Continuum of Care for Behavioral Health Services in California. DHCS is pleased to share this concept paper and in the months ahead will work with stakeholders to refine and revise the approach to the CalBH-CBC Demonstration with the intent of submitting a formal demonstration application to the federal government in 2023. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the concept paper through written comments and/or by participating in forthcoming public forums and advisory groups. Stakeholders also will have the opportunity to respond to and comment on a complete draft of the demonstration application before it is submitted to CMS.
On November 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., DHCS invites you to join a special convening of the
Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee (BH-SAC) meeting (join the webinar). The purpose of this BH-SAC meeting is to solicit stakeholder feedback on the CalBH-CBC Demonstration. The BH-SAC convenes a diverse and visible stakeholder advisory group of leaders and representatives from key behavioral health groups, including counties, providers, and policy organizations. Meeting materials, including the concept paper, for the November 15 meeting will be posted to the
BH-SAC webpage as they are available. Questions about the BH-SAC may be directed to
In addition, on November 21, from 12 to 1 p.m., DHCS will virtually host the
CalAIM Behavioral Health Workgroup (advance registration required) meeting. The purpose is to solicit stakeholder feedback on the CalBH-CBC Demonstration concept paper. This meeting will also be open to the public, in listen-only mode, with time for public comment at the end of the meeting. For more information, please visit the
CalAIM Behavioral Health Workgroup webpage.
Program Updates
Capacity, Infrastructure, Transition, Expansion, and Development (CITED) Initiative Update
On September 30, DHCS closed the first application window of the Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) CITED initiative. The response from stakeholders was higher than anticipated; DHCS received 232 applications requesting $518 million in funds. Due to the high volume and complexity of applications received, the review process has been extended. DHCS anticipates that all CITED Round 1 funding awardees will be notified by January 2023.
The next CITED application window (Round 2) will open in early 2023. Interested parties are encouraged to visit the DHCS PATH webpage. Questions may be directed to cited@ca-path.com.
Coming Soon: Registration for Clinic Workforce Stabilization Retention Payments (CWSRP)
On November 15, DHCS will open registration for CWSRP through December 20, 2022. Qualified clinics are required to register with DHCS in order to participate. Once registered, qualified clinics will be approved to apply for retention payments on behalf of their eligible employees. DHCS encourages early registration submission to allow ample time for validation and processing prior to the final due date.
Please visit the
CWSRP webpage for information about the
registration and application submission processes and
Frequently Asked Questions.
Registration Reminder: Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility COVID-19 Worker Retention Payments (WRP)
DHCS reminds all eligible Covered Entities (CEs), Covered Services Employers (CSEs), Physician Group Entities (PGEs) and Independent Physicians to register for WRP. California is helping health care facilities to stabilize and retain the state's health care workforce – while continuing to manage the COVID-19 pandemic – by providing worker retention payments. The list of approved registered entities and physicians is available on the WRP webpage, and registration data will be refreshed every Friday, excluding holidays. Once registered, CEs, CSEs, and PGEs will be approved to apply for retention payments on behalf of eligible workers. Registration opened on October 21 and closes on December 21, 2022. Employers are encouraged to complete registration early to avoid delays in approval. For additional guidance and link to registration, please visit the WRP webpage.
Medi-Cal Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) – Request for Proposals (RFP)
DHCS is launching a Medi-Cal Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) to ensure that Medi-Cal members, many of whom are from historically marginalized communities, have an active voice in shaping DHCS programs. The Department wants to hear directly from members (including parents and caregivers of Medi-Cal members) on their experiences in the Medi-Cal program in order to shape future policies and program improvements.
DHCS is launching the Medi-Cal CAC, in partnership with the California Health Care Foundation and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. RFPs are now being accepted through 5 p.m. on November 22 to manage and facilitate the Medi-Cal CAC.
Outreach Resources for CalAIM Medi-Cal Managed Care Enrollment for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries
On January 1, 2023, DHCS will expand Medi-Cal managed care enrollment to an estimated 325,000 members dually eligible for Medicare and Medi-Cal. These members will need to select and enroll in a Medi-Cal managed care plan (MCP) or Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), if eligible, for coverage. Members will be enrolled in a Medi-Cal MCP either effective January 1, 2023, for beneficiaries who make a choice, or February 1, 2023, for beneficiaries who do not make a choice and will default into a MCP.
DHCS has developed provider and beneficiary outreach materials, including fact sheets, video presentations, and notices, in several languages for this transition. Additional information about the CalAIM Medi-Cal managed care transition is available on the Medi-Cal managed care enrollment for dual eligible beneficiaries webpage.
State Plan Amendment (SPA) for Doula Services
On November 7, DHCS submitted SPA 22-0002 for doula services to CMS. Doula services will be a new Medi-Cal benefit in fee-for-service (FFS) and managed care on January 1, 2023.
Join Our Team
DHCS is hiring! On December 20 and 21, DHCS is hosting a virtual hiring event to recruit Associate Governmental Program Analysts (AGPAs) and Staff Services Analysts (SSAs). Candidates must
complete an exam and
submit applications by November 14 to be considered. For more information, please email
Recruit@dhcs.ca.gov, or visit
DHCS' Facebook page.
For other opportunities to join our fiscal, human resources, legal, auditing, health policy, and information technology teams, along with other professions, visit the
CalCareers website.
DHCS is dedicated to preserving and improving the overall health and well-being of all Californians. DHCS' mission is to provide the most vulnerable residents with access to affordable, integrated, high-quality, and equitable health care, and is currently transforming the Medi-Cal program to make sure it provides the care Californians need to live healthier, happier lives.
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings and Webinars
Hearing Aid Coverage for Children Program (HACCP) Webinar for Families
On November 15, for the next quarterly HACCP Webinar for Families, DHCS will hold two sessions: 10 to 10:50 a.m. and 6 to 6:50 p.m. The purpose of this webinar is to provide information about HACCP's eligibility criteria, enrollment process, and covered benefits to interested families, as well as those with children already enrolled in HACCP. Additional program information is available on DHCS' HACCP webpage. Webinar details are available on HACCP's Resources for Families webpage.
CalAIM Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) and Duals Integration Workgroup Meeting
On November 17, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., DHCS will virtually host the CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup webinar (advance registration required). The workgroup serves as a stakeholder collaboration hub for CalAIM MLTSS and integrated care for dual eligible beneficiaries, and allows stakeholders to provide feedback and share information about policy, operations, and strategy for upcoming changes to Medicare and Medi-Cal. For more information, please visit the CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup webpage. Questions about this workgroup may be directed to info@calduals.org.
DHCS Medi-Cal Dental Los Angeles Stakeholder Meeting
On November 17, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., DHCS will virtually host the Medi-Cal Dental Los Angeles Stakeholder meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for Los Angeles County stakeholders to provide input on how DHCS can best perform oversight of and guide its dental program to improve dental utilization rates and the delivery of oral health and dental care services, including prevention and education services within dental managed care and FFS dental. Additional information and registration is available on the DHCS website.
Public Hearing to Discuss Medi-Cal Enrollment Requirements and Procedures for Doulas
On November 17, from 1 to 3 p.m., DHCS will virtually host a
public stakeholder meeting (advance registration required) to discuss the regulatory provider bulletin “Medi-Cal Enrollment Requirements and Procedures for Doulas." The bulletin was created to implement the reporting requirements and procedures of doula providers to enroll in the Medi-Cal FFS program. Stakeholders may submit questions and suggestions during the hearing; written comments will be accepted on the day of the hearing until 5 p.m. Based on the public comments received, DHCS will publish the final bulletin on the
Medi-Cal and
DHCS websites. The changes will become effective 30 days after publication.
CalAIM Office Hours: Q&A for Counties Newly Implementing Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports
On November 17, from 2 to 3 p.m., DHCS will virtually host an “Office Hours" discussion (advance registration required) for counties newly implementing ECM and Community Supports. Participants may submit questions by November 14 to CalAIMECMILOS@dhcs.ca.gov, and attendees may ask questions during the session.
Smile, California Campaign for Medi-Cal Dental Services
On November 17 and 21, Smile, California will host two Facebook Live presentations for Medi-Cal members, one in English and one in Spanish. The English presentation will be held on November 17 at 5:30 p.m., and the Spanish presentation on November 21 at 5:30 p.m. Smile, California member outreach representatives will deliver the Smile, Your Medi-Cal Benefits Include Dental! presentation and:
- Discuss the Medi-Cal Dental Program.
- Inform viewers about the covered dental services available for members of all ages.
- Answer questions about Medi-Cal dental benefits.
Nursing Facility Financing Reform Webinar
On November 18, from 2 to 3 p.m., DHCS will host a virtual stakeholder meeting to discuss the Workforce and Quality Incentive Program (WQIP). This meeting will continue the discussion of the WQIP program design previously presented at the October 25 virtual stakeholder meeting, present any proposed changes, and provide further opportunity for stakeholder feedback. The WQIP was authorized by Assembly Bill 186 (Chapter 46, Statutes of 2022). Information about how to join the November 18 webinar will be posted on the Nursing Facility Financing Reform AB 186 webpage closer to the meeting date.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services (EPSDT) Enrollee-Facing Materials Webinar
On November 18, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., DHCS will host a webinar focused on the
EPSDT Outreach & Education Toolkit's enrollee-facing materials (advance registration required). The federal and state requirement for children's services, known as EPSDT, gives children and youth under age 21 access to preventive and medically necessary treatment services. DHCS is developing materials through an EPSDT Outreach & Education Toolkit to promote understanding of and access to EPSDT covered services.
Proposed materials include two enrollee-facing brochures (a child version and a teen/young adult version), a “Know Your Medi-Cal Rights" letter, and a rebranding of EPSDT. The brochures provide an overview of EPSDT, including covered services, how to access those services, and the importance of preventive care. The “Know Your Medi-Cal Rights" letter provides information on what to do if Medi-Cal care is denied, reduced, or stopped. The draft materials will be posted on the DHCS CalAIM News & Updates webpage before the webinar. All interested members, providers, plans, counties, health systems, advocates, and other stakeholders are invited to attend.
Dementia Care Aware Webinar Series – Fourth Webinar
On November 18, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Dementia Care Aware will virtually host The Cognitive Health Assessment via Video or Phone (advance registration required) webinar. Jennifer Schlesinger, Vice President of Healthcare Services & Community Education at Alzheimer's Los Angeles, and Elena Tsoy, PhD, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Assistant Professor at University of California, San Francisco, will speak about the ways to conduct the cognitive health assessment by phone or video. Participants of the live webinar are eligible to receive 1 Continuing Medical Education (CME) and California Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) credit. Additional information is available on the Dementia Care Aware Initiative website. Providers are also encouraged to take the cognitive health assessment training (1.5 CME/CAMFT credit).
Doula Stakeholder Meeting
On November 21, from 1 to 3 p.m., DHCS will host a virtual public stakeholder workgroup meeting about adding doula services as a covered Medi-Cal benefit, effective January 1, 2023. DHCS engaged with workgroup members on policy development details that will be reflected in the Medi-Cal provider manual and other policy guidance documents. All interested stakeholders may listen to the workgroup discussion regarding stakeholder feedback and provide input via email. DHCS will discuss next steps in implementing doula services as a Medi-Cal benefit, including enrollment, and providing services for FFS Medi-Cal and managed care members. Information related to the meeting will be posted on the doula services webpage.
Published COVID-19 Information