DHCS Stakeholder News - August 5, 2022
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is providing this update of significant developments regarding DHCS programs, as well as guidance related to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).
Top News
Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Initiative Guidance and Application Released
On August 1, DHCS launched an
online application for eligible entities to receive funding from the Capacity, Infrastructure, Transition, Expansion, and Development (CITED) initiative. Applications for round one funding must be submitted through the online portal no later than September 30, with application reviews and approvals, final contracts, and funding disbursements to follow. In December, applicants will be notified of their approval/denial, and funds will be disbursed.
CITED is part of the PATH initiative that will provide funding to enable the transition, expansion, and development of capacity and infrastructure to support the delivery of Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports services under California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). The following will be eligible to apply for funding:
- County, city, and other local government agencies
- Public hospitals
- Community-based organizations
- Medi-Cal Tribal and Designees of Indian Health Programs
- Others approved by DHCS as part of this application
Visit the
CalAIM PATH webpage for more information about the CITED initiative. Please email
cited@ca-path.com with any questions about the application process.
PATH Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Contractor Selection
DHCS announced that Public Consulting Group (PCG) has been selected as the PATH TPA. PCG brings years of Medicaid transformation experience and has supported several ambitious reform efforts through waiver policy development and program operations support. PCG has also assisted numerous states in the administration of hundreds of millions of dollars in grant funds for Medicaid and other social services programs.
As the TPA, PCG will administer four initiatives that are authorized under the state's
1115 waiver, including the:
- Technical Assistance Marketplace
- Collaborative Planning and Implementation Program
- CITED Program
- Justice-Involved Planning and Capacity Building
Visit PCG's PATH website at
www.ca-path.com and DHCS'
CalAIM PATH webpage for more information about the PATH initiatives.
Published COVID-19 Information
Additional updates will be posted on the
DHCS COVID-19 Response page.
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings and Webinars
CalAIM Office Hours: ECM and Community Supports Program Data Exchange
On August 11 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., DHCS will virtually host an “Office Hours" discussion of CalAIM ECM and Community Supports Program Data Exchange.
This event is part of a new series focused on answering implementation questions from the field. Topics will include data flows between Medi-Cal managed care plans (MCP) and ECM and Community Supports providers, MCP reporting requirements to DHCS, and DHCS expectations and supports for implementing data and reporting requirements.
Advance registration for CalAIM Office Hours webinar is required. Participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance to
CalAIMECMILOS@dhcs.ca.gov by August 8. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions during the session.
Tribal and Indian Health Program Representatives Meeting
On August 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., DHCS will host a virtual meeting for Tribes and Indian Health Program representatives. The meeting will include a discussion of DHCS programs and initiatives of interest to Tribal partners, such as an update on the FY 2022-23 enacted state budget and new DHCS/Medi-Cal benefits.
Advance registration is required. More information is available on the
Indian Health Program webpage.
Provider Application and Validation for Enrollment (PAVE) Portal Training Sessions for Dental Providers
On August 24 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., DHCS will host an hour-long introduction to PAVE for dental providers. Beginning October 31, DHCS will implement the PAVE portal for dental providers, providing a new mode for submitting dental provider enrollment applications and required documentation to DHCS. This allows applicants to use the Medi-Cal Provider e-Form Application as DHCS will no longer accept paper applications once PAVE is implemented.
Additionally, on October 12, DHCS will provide an overview of PAVE's key features to dental providers, and a more in-depth training session will be scheduled for November, following the implementation of PAVE. The demonstrations will be recorded and posted on the DHCS
PAVE webpage. For more information about the training sessions, including the registration link for the August 24 training, please view this
Medi-Cal Dental Provider Bulletin.