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​2009 Approved State Plan Amendments (SPA)

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The following attachments are amendments to the California State Plan that were recently approved by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  Stakeholders can update their copies by following the links and instructions attached to the documents. 

NOTE:  Links on this page are documents in Adobe Acrobat Document Format (PDF); unless indicated are smaller than 2MB.  PDF documents require Adobe Reader.  If you need to install or upgrade to the latest version see the "Download Free Readers" link at the bottom of the page.

09-001     Reduction of Nine Optional Benefits under California Medi-Cal Program (PDF, Approved on 5/23/2011)​
09-003     Electronic Asset Verification of Aged, Blind and Disabled  (PDF, Approved on 4/16/2009)​​
09-004     Supplemental Reimbursement for Medi-Cal Mental Health Services (PDF)   ​
09-006     1915j State Plan Option (3MB, PDF, Approved on 9/29/2009)​​​
09-007      Removal of Placer Geographic Managed Care (GMC): Managed Care Expansion  (PDF, Approved on 6/29/2009) ​​
09-008      Income Exemptions for the 250 percent Working Disabled Program (PDF, Approved on 9/24/2009)​​​
09-009      Blind Individuals Who Would Otherwise Be Eligible For the SSI/SSP Program  (PDF, Approved on 10/06/2009)​​
09-010      New Program and Income Exemption Under the Pickle Amendment (PDF, Approved on 9/24/2009)​​​
09-011      Individuals Otherwise Eligible as Disable Adult Children (PDF, Approved on 9/24/2009)​​
09-012      Individuals Otherwise Eligible for the Early Disabled Widow(er)s Program (PDF, Approved on 9/24/2009)​​
09-014      Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA)  (PDF, Approved on 5/25/2010)​
09-015      Reduction in Optional Benefits for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics (PDF, Approved on   5/23/2011)​​
09-018A    Outpatient Hospital Supplemental Payments (PDF, Approved on 10/8/2010)​​
09-018B    Inpatient Hospital Services (PDF, Approved on 10/7/2010)​​
09-020      Freestanding Skilled Nursing Facilities Reimbursement Rate - AB 1629 (PDF, Approved on 10/27/2011)​
09-021B    Budget Act Changes To Billing Requirements of Drugs (PDF, Approved on 1/30/2014)​​
09-022      Description of Drug Medi-Cal Reimbursement Rate - Setting Methodology Changes Starting July 1, 2009 ​(Approved 08/27/2014)​
09-023A   1915i Home and Community Based Services (PDF, Approved on 4/25/2013)​​
09-023B   1915i HCBS - Median Rates Reimbursement for Community Living Arrangements in a Licensed Settings ​
09-024     Supplemental Reimbursement for Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) Services ​


Last modified date: 3/23/2021 3:33 AM