2001 Policy and Procedure Letters
The Department issued policy and procedures regarding the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) and Targeted Case Management (TCM) Program via a Policy and Procedures Letters (PPL's).
(PDF) November 2, 2001 | To advise the LGAs that the FY 2001-2002 percentage of the participation fee is 46%. | |
01-015 (PDF) October 29,2001 | To inform each LGA TCM Coordinator of the 3-step policy regarding the review and approval of TCM invoices that contain overrides. | |
(PDF) October 17, 2001 | Notify all LGAs/LECs participating in the MAA Program that the ACOU will not hold invoices that have insufficient funds in their contract. | |
(PDF) September 26, 2001 | Notify each LGA that the TCM Cost Report for FY 2000/2001 must be sent to DHS no later than November 1, 2001. | |
01-012 (PDF)
September 5, 2001 | Notify LGAs that the FMAP will change effective October 1, 2001. | |
(PDF) August 16, 2001 | Notify each LGA that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare approved the Community SPA. | |
(PDF) July 10, 2001 | Provides instructions to LECs and LGAs regarding the submittal of MAA Claiming Plans and Amendments for the 1st qtr of FY 2001-2002. | |
(PDF) July 6, 2001 | Notifies all LECs and LGAs in the TCM and/or MAA programs for the FY 2001-2002 of the designated time survey month(s). | |
01-008 (PDF) July 6, 2001 | To inform each LGA of the submittal requirements for TCM encounters and invoices. | |
July 3, 2001 | MAA Transportation Questions and Answers. | |
July 26, 2001 | Amends and supersedes the previously transmitted PPL 01-006 dated July 3, 2001. | |
(PDF) July 3, 2001 | Countywide Averages for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 | |
(PDF) June 19, 2001 | To determine LGA participation in the TCM program during FY 2001-02 w/ survey. | |
(PDF) April 6, 2001 | To inform LGAs and LECs of the appropriate method to offset revenue from the HF/MCC application (MC 321 HFP) assistance compensation against MAA invoices. | |
(PDF) April 6, 2001 | To inform each LGA and LEC about new federal guidelines regarding the submittal of SPAs. | |
April 6, 2001 | To provide clarification that was received from the federal HCFA regarding allowable home to school transportation. | |
(PDF) January 19, 2001 | To inform all LECs and LGAs of the division of duties between the ACOU and the ACPSU. | |