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​​​​​​​COVID-19 Cases Reported in Behavioral Health Facilities

DHCS oversees multiple types of behavioral health facilities in California.

As part of California's effort to provide transparent data about the COVID-19 public health emergency, this page will be updated regularly with data on positive cases reported by these facilities. The data below show a cumulative total of licensed and/or certified behavioral health facilities in California overseen by DHCS that have reported one or more confirmed COVID-19 cases for residents/clients or staff.

State and federal medical privacy laws require DHCS to take steps to prevent the disclosure of information about individuals that could identify them, either on its own or in combination with other publicly available information. To balance these privacy requirements with transparency, values of less than eleven (11) are masked in this data (blank cell in the file or “None” in the preview) in accordance with de-identification guidelines. 

COVID-19 fatalities in the dashboard below may include deaths that were reported by facilities based on the best of their knowledge. Some of these deaths may include residents who had COVID-19, but died of something else. All data in this dashboard are provided to offer a snapshot of COVID-19 in behavioral health licensed and/or certified facilities in California overseen by DHCS, and do not imply wrongdoing on the part of any facility.

For more information about behavioral health licensed and/or certified facilities please visit the DHCS Licensing and Certification Division webpage. For more information about the DHCS response to COVID-19 please visit the DHCS COVID-19 webpage.


​​This is preliminary data and may change as it is updated.



If you are having difficulty accessing this dashboard or have additional questions, please contact DHCS at ​ to request the information in an alternate format.



Office: (916) 322-2911



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Last modified date: 2/27/2023 9:38 AM