Back to October Stakeholder Communication Update
Draft DHCS Comprehensive Quality Strategy (CQS)
In November, DHCS will post the revised CQS draft to the DHCS website for public comment. DHCS initially published a draft version of this report on November 18, 2019. Because of the significant changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, finalization of the CQS was delayed to allow inclusion of details related to this impact, as well as the resulting CalAIM updated timeline.
The CQS report outlines DHCS' process for developing and maintaining a broader quality strategy to assess the quality of care that all beneficiaries receive, regardless of delivery system, and defines measurable goals and tracks improvement while adhering to managed care regulations. The CQS covers all Medi-Cal managed care delivery systems, including the Medi-Cal MCPs, county mental health plans, DMC-ODS, and the dental MCPs, as well as non-managed care departmental programs.
Medi-Cal COVID-19 Vaccinations Report
DHCS publishes a biweekly report on Medi-Cal COVID-19 vaccinations. The report data are based on a linkage with immunization registry data from CDPH. The data show Medi-Cal vaccination rates compared to statewide rates, stratified by county and health plan. The report is published on the DHCS website.
Senate Bill 75: School-Based Health Care Report
Pursuant to Senate Bill 75 (Chapter 51, Statutes of 2019), DHCS and the California Department of Education (CDE) established a workgroup that developed recommendations on how to improve coordination and expand access to available federal funds through the Medi-Cal Billing Option Program, the School-based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Program, and medically necessary federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment services benefits. On October 1, DHCS, in conjunction with CDE, submitted the Senate Bill 75 Medi-Cal for Students Final Report to the California Legislature and the California Department of Finance. The report outlines the challenges and opportunities to expand school-based health care in California and describes the workgroup's five recommendations. This report, along with additional information, is available on the Medi-Cal for Students Workgroup website. Please email your questions or comments to